It’s common to hear of a car described as a “lemon,” but what does this really mean? Who decides what qualifies as a lemon? Each state has its own lemon laws which can help consumers seek refunds or replacements for defective cars they’ve purchased.
Who Pays For Medical Bills After A Dog Bite?
Not all dogs are friendly. Although a well-trained dog should never attack or bite, it’s important to remember that dogs are instinctual animals that can lash out without warning when they are startled or feel threatened.
Understanding Lemon Law Buybacks
The last thing you want when you purchase a vehicle is to end up driving a lemon. Unfortunately, many motor vehicles sold in the United States are lemons. However, Ohio, Michigan, and other states enacted lemon laws to protect consumers who buy vehicles with defects.
I Was Bitten by a Neighbor’s Dog. What Should I Do?
Not only is there pain involved after a dog bite, but feelings of fear and anxiety may continue to plague someone for a long time afterward, as might pain and suffering.
How Is a Refund Calculated in a Lemon Law Case?
You’ve just purchased or leased a new vehicle and something doesn’t seem right. There’s a defect or malfunction that keeps the car from performing as you anticipated. You take it back to the dealer under warranty and after repeated visits, the problem just doesn’t go away.
Telephone Consumer Protection Act and unwanted/unauthorized Text Messages
What you need to know about TCPA cases and Unwanted Text messages to solicit business.
Is Mediation Required for A Lemon Law Dispute?
According to a Nolo study, an estimated 150,000 motor vehicles are lemons in the United States each year. A car is considered to be a lemon if it has repeated, unfixable problems. In the event that your car qualifies as a lemon, you may be eligible for a replacement vehicle or refund.
Dog Parks and Liability for Bites
Dog parks are places where dogs and their owners can go to play and explore in an off-leash environment. Unfortunately, even in dog parks with posted rules, some owners bring dogs that are too aggressive and fights and injuries between dogs can occur.
Understanding the Truth In Lending Act and the Consumer Leasing Act and their Protections for Leased Consumer Goods
Understanding the Truth In Lending Act and Consumer Leasing Act as they relate to leased products
First Steps To Take After a Dog Bite
According to the American Animal Hospital Association, nearly 5 million people in the United States are bitten by dogs every year. Many of those wounds require emergency treatment, surgery, or hospitalization. Many of these victims are left emotionally traumatized by the experience, while others are physically scarred forever. If you or someone you love has been bitten by a dog, you may be wondering what to do next.