Dog bites are relatively common occurrences, with approximately 4.5 million incidents reported nationwide each year. Children are the most frequent victims due to their tendency to be less cautious around pets, particularly dogs.
Why You Should Contact a Lawyer Soon After Your Dog Bite
You're walking down the street, minding your own business, when a dog comes out of nowhere and bites you. It's a situation that nobody wants to go through, but unfortunately, it happens all too often - especially in Ohio, a state that ranks third in the country for dog bite claims.
Understanding the Dunbar Dog Bite Scale
Being bitten by a dog can be a traumatic and stressful experience. Understanding the severity of a dog bite according to the Dunbar Dog Bite Scale is crucial when seeking the appropriate medical attention and obtaining the compensation you deserve.
Manufacturers Most Guilty of Producing a Lemon
There’s a saying that “when life serves you lemons, make lemonade,” but if one of those lemons is a new vehicle you just acquired with a seemingly unfixable defect, you want a real remedy.
How Is Pain and Suffering Calculated in a Dog Bite Claim?
A dog bite can be a traumatizing and stressful experience for everyone involved— especially the victim. If you were bitten by a dog, you might be entitled to compensation for any pain and suffering that you have endured. However, calculating pain and suffering is challenging.
Steps to Take If You Think Your Car is a Lemon
If you buy a defective product at a store, the procedure to take it back and get a refund or replacement is fairly straightforward. However, when you encounter similar issues with a newly purchased vehicle (commonly called a “lemon”), this process won’t be as clear-cut.
Consumer Leasing Act Violations?
When calling a consumer law attorney, make sure to insist that you speak with the attorney that will be handling your case. I’ll personally take your call as I want to hear the details of your situation.
Consumer Leasing Act Quiz
Did the Lessor violate your rights under the Consumer Leasing Act? Answer YES or NO to the following questions to find out.
Lemon Law FAQs
If you’ve recently purchased a vehicle from a dealership that has a significant defect, you may be able to file a claim under Michigan & Ohio Lemon Law.
Dogs Are Incredible Family Pets
Dogs are incredible family pets. In fact, to many, if not most dog owners, dogs become more than pets, they become family members. I recently read a horrible story about an elderly woman in San Bernardino California. 2 Dogo Argentino dogs were at large and they attacked the woman.